Saturday, January 8, 2011

a life's tale, episode #2


he surfed around the globe, as he was seeking mystery, to satisfy his desire, which he felt was his soul. cities and counteries he visited, but there was nowhere he felt like settling down. not untill the day he saw a man, pointing an arrow to a woman, with the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen. the woman smiled at him and he smiled back and next to her he sat. the archer man was a dark skinned man, with a long, black shiny hat...

it was the period he believed, was the sweetest of his whole life indeed. they thought they love themselves so much, in such ways, that no human have ever been able to imagine. but weeks and months proved them, such strong feelings were somehow in vain. and finally the mark was made, when they both felt their relationship smells just like a carcass of a dirty rat. this time, they both knew this was somehow connected with a strange man, sitting on the corner, with dark skin and a long, black shiny hat...

unable to stop living, the boy, now a man, picked a new lifestyle with different proiorities involved. he chose a job and worked hard and found new friends as he tried to put aside his past, but he some time sneaked around to see if he could find another strange, dark skinned man. he found one, just at the moment he let himself fall again for a pretty lovely girl at work, and he invited her to dinner and she accepted the offer after just a small chat. this time the man was smiling, wearing a long, black shiny hat...

to be continued...

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