Wednesday, September 18, 2013



There's this little fraction of time in between the moment you know you’re not asleep and the moment you know you’re awake.

There just might lie the last frontier for salvation…


drawers of memory, salvador dali, 1965

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

boBe‘s Jay

chapter one

It's just a disguise and it's jut for the beginning, and until the rise in the salvation day it will not demise.

you're just watching a mask and it's that rigidness you seek to watch.
just like how you're talking: "politically correct"


inspired by: pro anarchists recession inside Xian

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Description



…then you feel

you’ve descended to something you used to think of
but never were

or if so,

soon was gone off you

so you can’t walk on no more.

not lived,

not loved,

can’t walk on no more…

so you sit

and you squeeze

and you shrivel down and down

till you’re so less than living in terms of everything imaginable

not lived or loved,

and less than life…

a dead man alive,

the world doesn’t concern you…

Ballerina in a Death’s Head, by Salvador Dali, 1939

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Persistent Memory


There there…

It’s either this beguiling masochistic joy,

inscribed by the history of man,
propagated through generations
in the body of cultures,

or it’s just the human grief,
which is not known he needs or not,
deserves or not.
But again the trick is,
whatever happens in life,
makes it worth living.

or not?