Sunday, April 20, 2014

Perfect Model

jackson pollack
I wish life was merely the embodiment of the intersection of pretty moments with absolutely no interceptions in between.
You’re in the middle of one snapshot of it, and not knowing what happened, right in the middle of the next.
That way I would do the rightest thing right now and wouldn’t worry about the rest.
No time to regret it if I was wrong.

a perfect model…

Monday, April 14, 2014

Of the nature of the wind

coming from the realm of the wind,
and the people of breeze,
of no memory and no future,
until death makes us stop and gets us to know any peace.
to know us, is to feel a sting,
of being encircled by, and unable to capture.
Cursed us in the cold winter morning,
loved us in the late spring.
Wind. Karl Hofer, German 1878-1955

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The curse

Born within a snake skin
Lured by its reflection
Mirrored through the zombie-d eyes
Antagonizing imperfection
Coordinated by a blow